Carlos Pérez
“I want people to see how great the experience of traveling is”
Carlos wants to encourage us to explore Europe, enjoy the experience of meeting new people and new cultures. If you didn’t just book a flight, his illustrations in Lake will take you there. His Instagram is a feast, combining witty drawings with short messages. Get to know Carlos a little better with this relaxed interview. ❤
Carlos, tell me little bit about your background.
I was born and bred in Villaviciosa village near Madrid. When I was a young boy, I used to spend my summer holidays in the village where my grandparents live - Sacramenia, a small town in the province of Segovia. I used to play basketball, tennis, football, and rode my bike with my friends. And I enjoy walks with Turco, my dog.
You had the opportunity to study in two different countries, can you tell us where and what you studied?
Yes. I did my secondary education in Pozuelo and then I went to Francisco de Vitoria University where I studied advertising and public relations. I studied a year in Sweden, it was a great experience.
What made you become an artist?
It was when I realized that expressing through painting is like speaking every language.
“When I come across a socially responsible cause that is important to me, I figure out how can I best contribute.”
Who or what has influenced you the most?
My girlfriend Celia. She supports all of my ideas. At the beginning I wasn’t really sure about getting into the illustration business but she was encouraging me all along.
Most of your drawings have to do with emotions, I can’t help but feel you are mostly inspired by real life events around you.
Absolutely, emotions inspire me. I try to paint real emotions, the ones I felt or feel at the time.
Is drawing some sort of meditation for you?
Well, there are definitely types of drawings that evoke different feelings. I definitely relax when I draw for myself, but when a deadline is involved, relaxing is hard.
What would you like to convey with illustrations you created for Lake?
I was thinking about my trips around Europe and how great the experience was; meeting new people and new cultures. I want people to see how great the experience of traveling is and hopefully inspire them to explore.
Is being an artist your full-time job?
Being an artist is a way of life for me. In addition to projects, I also work part-time for a Spanish company called BQ. At the same time I am studying new techniques and taking creativity courses.
What are future plans for the “Creative illustrations” business?
I would love for “Creative illustrations” to become a team of talented people.
Social responsibility is important to you. Can you tell us more about that?
I always try to help people and it’s great if I can do it by doing the thing I love the most. When I come across a socially responsible cause that is important to me, I figure out how can I best contribute. I offer my services whenever I can. For example, I have designed a t-shirt for a dog shelter and provided NGS with images for their social media posting. I believe that we should all help each other and make the world a better place.
How important is social media to you?
Well, I guess it has changed the way I show my work. And it has opened up an international market.
On Instagram you like to combine drawings with short text messages, which works really well. It adds that little extra. How would you describe your style and what do you believe is your strongest skill?
I just draw what comes to my mind, let it be my thoughts or feelings. I always try to express an idea or a concept. The most difficult part is that art should be understood by everyone. With more complex ideas I like to add text to emphasize the idea. I try to achieve a relatable feeling of “Yeah, that’s true” or “That’s happened to me too”. I love my fans, they are my motivation to keep drawing.
You are one of the first 10 artists featured on Lake. We had nothing to show when we first approached you. What made you join us?
I downloaded your apps for kids and I loved them. So it was a pleasure for me to start working with you.
Any final thoughts for all the creative people out there?
Sure, keep reading and learning, take courses even if you think you already know everything about the topic.
Intrigued to know more about Carlos? We got you covered.