It’s Women’s Day – let’s celebrate with art!
Did you know that three-quarters of Lake artists are women? They come from 27 countries and, to us, this means a lot!
It means that we have proudly managed to put in the spotlight the points of view and the experiences of many female artists all over the world. Each of them brings us different perspectives and backgrounds and this is what makes Lake such a unique app.
Another cool fact is that part of Lake’s revenue is shared with our artists and so far, we have distributed more than 250 thousand euros. Our app plays an important role in the household income of many people, helping artists to do the work they love and are really good at.
So how about interacting with these amazing women by adding some color to their illustrations? You can choose from many themes and moods, such as girls having exciting careers, whimsical animals, funky patterns, thrilling circus performers, and different expressions of power and femininity.
Who is your inspiration?
To us, art is inextricably linked to freedom, expression, and passion. That is why we have invited some of our illustrators to talk about the women who inspired them to be who they are. Special thanks to Shelley Couvillion, Freya Kotchakorn, Bárbara Fonseca, and Tamy Hadeed who took some time to share their thoughts and inspirations with our community.
Follow us on Instagram and see what they had to say!
And here is Hugo K’s illustration he made for this special day. Thank you, Hugo!

The journey of relaxation
Lake was conceived as an app to promote relaxation by coloring and enjoying art. With time, we noticed that it became a safe place for women to set their minds at ease and to disconnect from stressful situations. We are happy to be place people come to when they need to relax. To add to all these awesome features, we are working on a cool new secret project that will make the coloring experience even more relaxing. Follow us and be the first to know when it is released!